Scroll down and click the corresponding button to book with the individual practitioner.

Kristy James, Aesthetician & Spiritual Healer

Andrea Ando Albert, Licensed Massage Therapist 

Andrea has been a licensed Massage Therapist since 1998. She worked at various settings, including spas, chiropractic/physical therapy offices, and private practice.

She also works as a registered nurse which gives her a unique, clinical approach with a relaxing touch to relieve aches, pain & tension in her massage sessions.

She enjoys creating a relaxing, warm environment in which you can wind down into a deep relaxation mode. Andrea is the co-owner of the EuroShape Wonder USA body shaping and toning business.

You can learn more about that groundbreaking technology and book your sessions at Or call: (207) 215-7647.

Gabby Marshall, Nail Artist

Gabby specializes in Japanese and Korean Gels, Dry manicure, overlay, and is Kokoist certified. She is also incredible at hand painted nail art and looks forward to helping you create your custom designs.

She also offers the most gentle hair removal method, called Sugaring. It is a natural and eco-friendly method of hair removal. It uses a ball of paste made from water, sugar and lemons. It has minimal irritation and great for sensitive skin!

Follow Gabby on Instagram at @brushedbygabby.

Please text or call Gabby to book an appointment: (207) 313-9716.